Morphology and ultrastructure of male accessory glands in Lepinotus patrulis Pearman and Ectopsocus briggsi Maclachlan (Order Psocoptera)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of biological and Geological Sciences, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University


Reproductive system in the male psocids, Lepinotus patruelis and Ectopsocus briggsi was described. Fine structure of the accessory glands of both species was compared. Several types of cells of both species are examined. Epithelial cells required absorbing materials from haemolymph. Molecules then passed through the basement membranes and interstices reaching secretory cells. Glycogen, lipoproteins and acid-mucopolysaccharides are the major components of cell secretions in both species presumably for maintaining the stored sperm in vesicular seminalis. 
