Ultrastructure of the Midgut Adult, Trachyderma philistina (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

Document Type : Original Article


Zoology & Entomology Department, Faculty of Science, Helwan University


In the anterior part of the midgut adult Trachyderma philistina, the apical part showed microvilli in the form of membrane with folds and also microvilli appeared slender and uniform. Between these folds of microvilli appeared a lot of ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Secretory vesicles are discharged from part of midgut. A well-developed oval nucleus appeared in the cytoplasm near the apical part of the cell. The nucleus is surrounded by a lot of free ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Mitochondria appeared near the apical part of the cell. A well-developed thick basement membrane appeared in the basal part of the anterior midgut of adult beetle Trachyderma philistina. In the middle part of the midgut, a very thick well-developed brush border microvilli appeared. Mitochondria and numerous tracheae appeared through cytoplasm. Rough endoplasmic reticulum appeared throughout the cytoplasm. A lot of secretory vacuoles were observed directed apically. A well-developed oval and circular nucleus appeared near the basal part of the cell and surrounded by numerous rough endoplasmic reticulum A well-developed muscle fiber appeared apically and basally. A very thin basement membrane appeared in the basal part of the cell. The peritrophic membrane is absent in the midgut of adult stage Trachyderma philistine while regenerative cells appeared in the basal part of the middle midgut cell. In the posterior part of the midgut, microvilli appeared in the form of membranes due to the presence of numerous organelles that are discharging into the lumen. Lipid spheres and aggregations of glycogen are present throughout the cell. A thin basement membrane was observed.
